Course Content
Ch.1 Introduction (Physics and Measurements) and Vectors
It covers several foundational concepts essential for understanding physics such as: 1) Fundamental Quantities and Units 2) Measurement Techniques 3) Significant Figures 4) Measurement Errors 5) Dimensional Analysis 6) Unit Conversions 7) Scientific and Engineering Notations
Ch.3. Kinematics (Motion in Two Dimensions)
Ch.4. Dynamics (Newton’s Law of Motion)
Ch.5. Applications of Dynamics
1) Friction Force 2) Uniform Circular Motion
Ch.7. Work and Energy
1) Scalar Product of Two Vectors 2) Work Done by a Constant Force 3) Work Done by a Varying Force 4) Work Energy Principle
Ch.8. Conservation of Energy
1) Conservative and Non-conservative forces 2) Potential Energy 3) Conservation of Mechanical Energy 4) Conservation of Energy 5) Power
Ch.9. Linear Momentum
1) Linear Momentum and Impulse 2) Conservation of Linear Momentum 3) Collisions 4) Center of Mass and Its Motion
Ch.10. Rotational Motion
The beginning of the video and PDF is related to the previous lecture so skip it and continue. 1) Kinematics of Rotational Motion 2) Dynamics of Rotational Motion 3) Rotational Kinetic Energy and Conservation of 4) Mechanical Energy/Energy 5) Rolling without Slipping
Physics I – Istinye Universities- Fall 2023/2024
About Lesson

Physical quantities and Measuring Tools

Measuring Units (Systems, SI, Standard Units,

Prefixes, Conversion of units

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